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Uncover in these pages practical tips & insights that support you in your personal breakthrough & transformation!  

We are all on life’s journey and we all have stories and experiences that have shaped our personalities and the world around us. 

It is hard to imagine going from having suicidal thoughts and not being able to get out of bed, to running a successful business and helping others with self-doubt & depression. 

Few of us can comprehend what it must be like to be told to terminate a pregnancy because of the implications of carrying to full term, or the courage it takes to refuse and let God decide.

This is the case for Women of Courage who share their stories in this sometimes heartbreaking, yet wonderfully uplifting book about hope, faith and sheer determination.

Overcoming the fear of public speaking! Going from offline to online. Panelist at Soul Rich Woman x Facebook Event 2018

An empowered woman empowers others! Empowering women to succeed in life, business & health! Soul Rich Woman x Facebook event 2018

Creating opportunities for the special needs artists to showcase their gifts & talents with the Garden of Joy Art Exhibition.

Courage to make a difference. Everyone is special. You are an unique contribution to this world. 
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Bringing joy to the Elderly at St. John's Home for the Eldery.

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